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There is no single key to life satisfaction. Think instead of a recipe with many ingredients. Social relationships and personal goals based on one's values are crucial in developing a strong sense of satisfaction. 

With time and persistence, people can become more satisfied. Individuals who have experienced a loss tend to recover over time. Those with dissatisfying relationships or careers often introduce changes that will make them happier. When someone tends to be chronically dissatisfied, they can ask themselves how to develop more positive attitudes to life and the world. As you will see in this report, your assessment results will tell you a lot about your level of life satisfaction and how to increase it. 


Understanding your life satisfaction level starts with recognizing some of its components. To give you personalized guidance, we have measured four factors contributing to life satisfaction. Each of these factors comprises eight areas.

Life Satisfaction

Personalized guidance report

The report is divided in 4 sections

The contributors to this factor are self, physical fitness, grit, leisure, coping, material property, spirituality, and moral code. 


The contributors to this factor are social position and prestige, political influence, culture, social welfare, political freedom, social equality, and economic welfare and social capability.


The contributors to this factor are family bonds, relationships with friends and colleagues, quality of relationships, use of discretion in relationships, frequency of iterations, social connections, and norms in relationships.


The contributors to this factor are performance at school, performance at work, returns from work, learning and growth, day-to-day activities, work-life balance, work environment, and use of strengths. 


The following graphic is based on your responses and reveals insights into the three factors contributing to life satisfaction. 

Tip :

Hover on any of the graph to get detailed information about each factor.

Click on any of the graph to get detailed information about each factor.


In addition to this summary a complete and personalized guidance report is available by registering with Talent Transformation. The personalized guidance report also links you to worksheets to help you develop your satisfaction with life.


Life Satisfaction is more stable and long-lived than happiness. Addressing shortfalls in the four factors will help you build this steady sense of fulfillment. In addition to the guidance within this report, the Life Satisfaction Workbook can help you increase your satisfaction with life.

Read on to learn more!

Personalized Guidance Report

We've analyzed your responses to the questionnaire and created personalized guidance for the four factors contributing to life satisfaction. Read on to learn more!


One of the most critical factors that affect life satisfaction is how satisfied people are with themselves: how they perceive their physical and mental fitness, ability to cope with challenges, acquisition of material gains, adherence to morals, engagement in religious or spiritual practices, and ability to enjoy leisure activities. Many things influence an individual's level of life satisfaction: their personality, values, beliefs, learning and personal growth, ability to unwind, and self-perception. Understanding these influences will help you maintain a sense of fulfillment and avoid dissatisfaction. 

Your personal guidance

Your responses indicate substantial dissatisfaction with your personal life. You may have several areas where things are not going well. For example, if life dissatisfaction is a response to a recent event such as bereavement or divorce, you will probably return to higher levels of satisfaction over time. However, you may be chronically dissatisfied in multiple areas of life. Whatever the reason for it, a low level of personal satisfaction may strongly indicate that you need professional counseling or help from friends or family members.

Understanding others

Other people might be more or less satisfied with themselves than you are. Understanding other individuals' satisfaction levels will help you empathize with and understand them better. People who love their personal life and feel things are going well make time to reflect and align with their values and morals. They are happy with their spiritual beliefs and their material possessions. They can deal with stress effectively. Their lives are enjoyable, and the significant aspects of their lives are going well. People who are generally satisfied with their personal life are usually happy with most aspects of their life but realize they could do better. They could usefully reflect on their values, morals, spiritual beliefs, material possessions, and activities to discover what would enhance their satisfaction. People who are unhappy with their personal life have several areas where things are not going well. They could usefully identify the root cause of their dissatisfaction. They might be able to take action to resolve the issue or wait till a bad period passes. For example, suppose life dissatisfaction is a response to a recent event such as bereavement, divorce, or loss of something. In that case, they will probably return to higher satisfaction levels over time. However, they may be chronically dissatisfied in multiple areas of life and should take time to reflect on where their dissatisfaction might originate. It could be due to some external force over which they have no control or not taking enough time for themselves. It could be because they are unhappy with their values or beliefs or can't align with them. They might be dissatisfied with their material possessions or how to cope with stress. If they do not make changes, their unhappiness could distract them from taking action and impair their ability to function properly. A chronic problem such as alcoholism or addiction could also be a driving force. If very low levels of personal life satisfaction are chronic, they will need to change some attitudes and patterns of thinking and possibly pursue different activities. Whatever the reason, a low level of personal satisfaction may strongly indicate that they need professional counseling or help from friends or family.

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Those highly satisfied with their relationships tend to have close and supportive family, friends, and colleagues, enjoy healthy relationships, and avoid toxic ones. They are happy with the frequency of interactions with their loved ones and feel in harmony with the norms they have set in relationships. Those who do not feel a sense of satisfaction in relationships do not experience the above. Losing a close friend or family member can decrease satisfaction with your relationships and require considerable recovery time, but it does not necessarily decrease overall satisfaction.

Your personal guidance

Your responses indicate that you are happy with your achievements, efforts, and performance. You feel physically fit/healthy, mentally strong, and happy most of the time. You most often perceive yourself as skilled and good at your job and life roles. You usually work to excel in your roles and stay physically and mentally healthy. This effort may be among the reasons you are satisfied. For you, life is enjoyable, and the major aspects of life are going well.

Understanding others

Other people might be experiencing more or less satisfaction with relationships than you are. Understanding other individuals' satisfaction levels will help you empathize with and understand them better. People who are extremely satisfied with their relationships with family, friends, and colleagues feel their relationships are healthy and non-toxic and the interactions are good as they can get. They can identify toxic relationships, move away from them, and nurture positive ones. They are happy with the social support and the positivity the relationships bring. People who are generally satisfied with their relationships would like to improve in some areas. They may sometimes find themselves in unhealthy relationships, so they need to identify them and distance themselves from them. They could make some life changes, such as nurturing positive relationships and making time for them, drawing support from their social group. They may also find that they may or may not be happy with certain norms they have set for themselves in relationships. People who are extremely unhappy with their relationships might find that it is a reaction to a recent stressful event that may have demoralized them. Or it may be a response to a chronic problem such as abuse, discrimination, economic challenges, or multiple difficulties. If they have chronically low levels of satisfaction, they may need a change of environment, new friends, or reunification with lost friends. Unhappiness distracts them from making necessary changes and may lead to poor social functioning. Whatever the reason, a low level of satisfaction may indicate that they need professional counseling or help from a mental health professional, friends, and family.

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Those highly satisfied with their community life tend to feel good about their social position, prestige, influence on others in society, their contribution to it, and the cultural practices they follow, whereas those who do not are more likely to be dissatisfied. The loss of a social position or status or decreased economic welfare can reduce life satisfaction and require considerable recovery time but does not necessarily decrease overall satisfaction.

Your personal guidance

Your responses indicate that you are happy with your achievements, efforts, and performance. You feel physically fit/healthy, mentally strong, and happy most of the time. You most often perceive yourself as skilled and good at your job and life roles. You usually work to excel in your roles and stay physically and mentally healthy. This effort may be among the reasons you are satisfied. For you, life is enjoyable, and the major aspects of life are going well.

Understanding others

Other people might be experiencing more or less satisfied with their community than you. Understanding other individuals' satisfaction levels will help you empathize with and understand them better. People who are extremely satisfied with their social identity feel they have a considerable influence on the people in their society. They are happy with their prestige, position, and economic welfare. They feel a sense of equality and perceive no discrimination. They can freely express their political opinions and follow their cultural practices. They are happy with the social support and positivity of the shared community. And enjoy their life in the community. People who are generally satisfied with their social identity would like to improve in some areas. For example, they may sometimes feel unhappy with their social position, prestige, or influence on the community. They could make some changes, such as identifying the differences between them and their community. They may or may not be happy with the political freedom, economic welfare, or social equality you experience. They may find the need to contribute more to their society than they do now and probably pay attention to how they feel about their cultural practices. An evaluation of these can help enhance their overall satisfaction with their community. People who are usually extremely unhappy with their social identity might find this is a reaction to a recent loss of social position or status, decreased economic well-being, a chronic problem such as abuse, discrimination, financial challenges, or a combination of difficulties. If they have chronically low levels of satisfaction, they may need a change of environment, new friends, or reevaluate their social needs. Unhappiness distracts them from making necessary changes and may lead to poor social functioning. Talking to a friend, family member, or mental health professional could help them start moving in the right direction.

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Another factor influencing life satisfaction is your performance at school, work, and in an important role such as a homemaker or grandparent. When someone enjoys their work — whether paid or unpaid — and feels it is meaningful and important, this contributes to life satisfaction. On the other hand, doing poorly at work because of stressful circumstances or a poor fit with someone's strengths can lower life satisfaction. Being complacent and not working towards learning and growth, too, can lower satisfaction levels. Having important goals and not making adequate progress toward them also can lead to life dissatisfaction. 

Your personal guidance

Your responses indicate that you are happy with your achievements, efforts, and performance. You feel physically fit/healthy, mentally strong, and happy most of the time. You most often perceive yourself as skilled and good at your job and life roles. You usually work to excel in your roles and stay physically and mentally healthy. This effort may be among the reasons you are satisfied. For you, life is enjoyable, and the major aspects of life are going well.

Understanding others

Other people might be experiencing more or less satisfied with their career and working life than you. Understanding other individuals' satisfaction levels will help you empathize with and understand them better. People who are very satisfied with their achievements, efforts, and performance perceive themselves as skillful and good at their job. They work towards learning new things and growing in their career. They are also happy with their day-to-day activities and the work-life balance they experience. They have opportunities to use their strengths and work in a safe environment. Their working life is enjoyable, and major life aspects are going well. People who are generally satisfied with their performance have some areas they want to improve. They need to take time to reflect and evaluate what is good in their working life to help them move to a higher level by making life changes. They sometimes but not always, work toward learning new things and growing in their career. Setting goals and learning may help them. They would do well to evaluate their day-to-day activities and the work-life balance they experience. Evaluating their work environment for its stress and making changes can help enhance their satisfaction with their working life. People who are usually extremely unhappy with their working life need to identify the root cause of their dissatisfaction. Then, they might be able to take action to resolve the issue or wait till a bad period passes. For example, this may be a reaction to a recent change in perception of their capabilities, performance, work-life balance, work environment, learning and growth, and the use of their areas of strength. In that case, they will probably return to higher satisfaction levels over time. They need to take time to reflect on where their dissatisfaction might originate. It could be due to some external force, such as a recession or layoffs, over which they have no control or not taking enough time for themselves. This might have taken on new responsibilities and added pressure at work. They may be disappointed because their hard work and dedication aren't paying off. If they do not make changes, their unhappiness could distract them from taking positive steps and impair their ability to function properly. If they have chronically low levels of satisfaction, they may need to change their work environment, reevaluate their needs, or maybe their job. Talking to a friend, family member, career or life coach, or mental health professional could help them start moving in the right direction.

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Two other factors influence life satisfaction that we have not dealt with here as we are not qualified to offer personalized guidance in these areas:

1. Health. Diet, exercise, sleep, and meditation are essential factors that contribute to life satisfaction. In addition, learning and taking action to improve your health will improve your overall life satisfaction.

Other Influences

2. Financial. Managing a balanced budget, finding ways to earn more, spending less, and developing your skills will improve overall life satisfaction.

How can I enhance my life satisfaction?


Are you open to new experiences? Trying new things and breaking out of your routine is a great way to improve your satisfaction with life.


Are you persistent and focused enough to reach your goals? Committing yourself to whatever you do 100% (or as close as you can get) will give you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that mindless work and passive pleasures can't deliver.


Do your interactions with others bring happiness? For an extrovert, spending time with others brings happiness and energy; for an introvert, spending less time with others and more with oneself brings happiness and energy. First, identify what works best for you. Most of us need a balance of both, and a healthy balance includes at least a few quality connections and occasional social interactions to make us happy with life.


How open are you toward people? Again, it's essential to focus on positive interactions. Make an effort to be more positive and agreeable to ensure you have the right interactions.


Do you often feel anxious, sad, guilty, shameful, or angry? These emotions can easily drag you down. It is helpful to set a goal to become a happier, more resilient person and work toward it. If you're unsure how to proceed, schedule some time with a therapist or counselor to discuss this. 

As suggested throughout this guide, you can make constructive changes if you are not as satisfied with your life. Working to improve or enhance the four factors described above can help you reach a higher overall level of life satisfaction.

These factors embrace many aspects of life, from self-perception, relationships, community, and career. Your surrounding environment and your general temperament also play into your level of satisfaction. Whatever your situation, there are things you can do to boost your sense of fulfillment.

Dr. Leslie Becker-Phelps offers five research-based questions to help you boost your life satisfaction (Becker-Phelps, 2012). We hope that contemplating these questions and your assessment results will enhance your experience and take you closer to your goals.


Life Satisfaction is more stable and long-lived than happiness. Addressing shortfalls in the four factors you have been reading about in this report will help you build this steady sense of fulfillment. Download and use the Life Satisfaction Workbook to help you increase your satisfaction with life.

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