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Brenda Race Virtual Career Coach

Brenda Race Virtual Career Coach

I really love empowering clients and it shows! For over 25 years I’ve  had the pleasure of providing people-centred, results-oriented services  in employment and career development, (one-to-one coaching and group  facilitation), to 1000s of clients. My job is to help you land one!

I  love helping people achieve their goals while feeling inspired,  empowered, and confident in the process. The words used most by clients  to describe me are: engaging, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic.  (Extensive client, employee, and company reviews available!)

I’ve  served government-funded employment programs (various Ministries) and  centres, cruise ships, post-secondary, non-profits, and unions. In  addition, I’m a member with the BC Career Development Association.

University Certified:
* Employment Counsellor
* Life Skills Coach (Personal Development)

Assessment Certifications:
* Personality Dimensions Facilitator
* CRG HR Assessment Systems Trainer

Fun facts:
* I’ve been a repeat career radio show guest in the U.S. and Australia, as well as a local panel guest, blogger, and podcaster
* My articles and interviews have appeared in various online publications


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